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How What You Buy Affects your Aura (and yes, it really does!)

If you’re wondering about the small ways you can improve the positive momentum of your life, look no further than where you are spending your money.

Everyone remembers the universal law we learned in elementary school: energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred from one thing to another. But what does this law have to do with our everyday lives? 

All of our actions carry weight. They influence the mood around us. Even a small decision can have a trickle effect that creates big differences in our lives. 

Don’t believe me? 

You can feel this concept in action each time you do something small but kind for someone in your life. You can see that you’ve made someone feel happy, and your own personal mood improves too. By acting generously, we send out positive vibrations and good energy. On the other hand, when we get frustrated and act out of anger, we surround ourselves with negative energy. 

Believe it or not, this idea can be applied to all facets of your life. The products you surround yourself with, the friends you spend time with, the clothes you wear, and the foods you eat all influence your personal aura. You may already be aware of how your diet, your friends, and your work choices are all decisions that impact your wellbeing. But many people fail to consider that where your money flows can impact your personal aura too.

Your Dollars are More than just Paper 

Think of the time, effort, energy, and hard work that it takes to earn your paycheck. Think about the ways that money blesses our lives by allowing us to live, eat, and be sheltered. Money can be viewed as a potent source of influence we all possess the power to receive and pass on, like energy. 

The energy you put out into the world with your purchases does not die when the dollars leave your bank account. Universal laws of physics dictate that our energies never die, and in this way, every dollar you spend sends a message. With each purchase, you are sending a signal to yourself and the world around you that this brand, this company, and this product is worth supporting. We often seek the cheapest, most convenient, and easiest products to buy and add to our lives. But have we really considered what we’re supporting?

Your Purchases Have Power 

Beyond even the spiritual significance of spending money, where you decide to dish out your dollars can have social and environmental significance as well. An excellent example of this is the fast fashion industry. In our consumerist culture, we’re constantly encouraged to keep up with the latest fads by purchasing low-cost, cheaply made clothing to keep up with the trends. Billions of consumers don’t think twice about shopping at fast fashion retailers each year, because they offer cute and inexpensive styles. 

But the fast fashion industry uses more energy than both the aviation and shipping industries combined. It’s responsible for nearly 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and relies on horrible sweatshop labor practices to manufacture garments. Each time we spend our money on these items, we create a wave of negative energy in support of these practices, whether we like it or not. Clothing is an especially good example, as it represents our self-expression, and embodies the energy we want to bring to this world. 

Would you walk outside and yell, “I support polluting our waterways?” Of course not! But by giving your hard-earned dollar to brands that perpetuate the destruction of the environment, energetically you are signaling support for that practice. Since physics says that this bleak momentum cannot be destroyed, it may come back to negatively influence your life in some karmic way.

You can Change your Impact 

We all want to embody positive energy, and to share that good feeling with others as much as we can. When I feel like my happiest, truest self, I can feel the authentic positive energy that I bring to my relationships, my work, and my life. By aligning my purchases with my personal ideals, I create an undeniable ripple effect of positive energy that benefits my own life and the world around me. 

There are several ways we can redirect our financial energy to create positive ripple effects for ourselves, and for society. 

  1. Shop second-hand as much as you can. Visit thrift stores and charity shops to check for things you could buy already used. 
  1. Reuse, recycle, and repurpose old items to make them new again. The best way to reduce the environmental impact of mass consumption is to reduce how much you actually buy each day.
  1. When you need something new, support small brands with truly sustainable and ethical practices. Research companies that are transparent about their sourcing, their materials, and their labor practices. Support businesses that align with your personal views for an ideal world. 

The Transformative Power of Intentional Spending

Taking a few extra moments to consider how your money is spent can make an astronomical difference in the energy you put out. It’s incredibly important to be aware of the ways we impact the world around us with these financial decisions. By making decisions we feel good about, we send that indestructible positive energy out to the universe and allow it to flow back to us. Imagine the transformative power it would have if each individual realized their potential for creating positive ripple effects with something as simple as changing where they spend their money.

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