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Microfiber vs Cotton Bed Sheets

We all know the importance of good bed sheets for getting quality sleep. The right type of bed sheets can make all the difference—not only for our physical but for our mental health. 

Therefore, discussing whether microfiber or cotton sheets are better when getting a good night’s rest is a worthy topic.

Both microfiber and cotton sheets offer users certain benefits. These benefits concern the material’s durability, temperature and texture. 

To determine the right material, we must look at the difference between microfiber and cotton, the benefits of both types of bed sheets, and their unique properties.

This guide will cover all these topics in depth to give you a definitive answer on the right type of sheet to use for your bed. 

So, with all that said, let’s begin.

Microfiber vs Cotton Bed Sheets

We all know the importance of good bed sheets for getting quality sleep. The right type of bed sheets can make all the difference—not only for our physical but for our mental health. 

Therefore, discussing whether microfiber or cotton sheets are better when getting a good night’s rest is a worthy topic.

Both microfiber and cotton sheets offer users certain benefits. These benefits concern the material’s durability, temperature and texture. 

To determine the right material, we must look at the difference between microfiber and cotton, the benefits of both types of bed sheets, and their unique properties.

This guide will cover all these topics in depth to give you a definitive answer on the right type of sheet to use for your bed. 

So, with all that said, let’s begin.

Microfiber Bed Sheets

Microfiber bed sheets are becoming increasingly popular because they are soft, durable and easy to care for. These bed sheets come from a variety of synthetic materials, including polyester, nylon, and wood pulp, and can be woven in a percale or sateen weave. 

Microfiber is a popular bedding material because they are less prone to wrinkling and shrinking. This is due to the nature of the sheets’ synthetic materials.

Due to the material’s lightweight nature, microfiber sheets don’t have as strong anti-moisture capabilities as cotton fibers. The material is also thin but highly durable and strong. 

Lastly, if the microfiber sheets are woven tightly, it results in higher durability after washing. This eliminates a particular problem users have when washing their bed sheets.

Let’s look at the areas where microfiber as a material excels—or what it lacks—when used as bed sheets:

Advantages of Microfiber:

  • Lightweight
  • Durable
  • Washable
  • Low maintenance
  • Soft

Drawbacks of Microfiber:

  • Absorbs moisture
  • Synthetic
  • Can leave stains
  • Traps heat
  • Generates static
  • Not great for those with allergies

A caveat to durability: Microfiber’s durability depends on the type of weave and the thread count. For example, tightly woven microfiber is durable.

Cotton Bed Sheets

Cotton is a fiber that we harvest from the cotton plant. Unlike microfiber, cotton is natural and not synthetic. This makes cotton one of the most highly sought-after bedding materials on the market. 

But that doesn’t make it perfect. Cotton sheets’ durability largely depends on how the material is treated after harvest.

The cotton must have longer staples to create softer but durable fibers. Some of the best cotton sheets are made of longer and finer cotton fibers. 

And if you’re interested in the best cotton bed sheets in Dubai, UAE, those would be Egyptian cotton sheets and Pima cotton sheets (long-staple cotton).

One thing these two types of cotton have in common is the thread count. Both Egyptian and Pima cotton have higher thread counts than linen or Upland cotton. Our cotton bed sheets are made out of high thread count, but not super high thread as it makes the bed sheets over soft and not suitable. 

But thread count shouldn’t be the only factor when choosing a quality sheet in Dubai. For reference, most quality cotton sheets have a thread count between 300 and 400.

Speaking of other factors, how the fabric is treated after harvesting also affects durability. Generally speaking, organic and natural cotton sheets are essential for achieving longevity, while chemically-treated cotton fibers last only a short time.

Let’s look at the areas where cotton excels and what it lacks when used as bed sheets:

Advantages of Cotton:

  • Numerous varieties
  • Natural
  • Low maintenance
  • Durable
  • Breathable and cool
  • Moisture-resistant
  • Good for those with allergies
  • Soft

Drawbacks of Cotton:

  • Difficulty in understanding the thread count—relies on seller honesty
  • Some variations can be expensive
  • Breaks down faster due to the natural fibers

Cotton or Microfiber Sheets – How to Choose the Right Sheet Set

If this is your first time picking between cotton and microfiber sheets in the UAE, choosing the right one can be quite a headache. The microfiber vs cotton sheets debate is best settled when you add the pros and cons of both and compare that to your needs. 

But we’re here to offer a helping hand. Therefore, we will compare both and declare which set of sheets is better in which category when shopping for bed sheets in Dubai, UA.

Cotton vs Microfiber Sheets Comparison

  • Durability

The more durable the bed sheets, the less you’ll need to replace them. Both microfiber and cotton and durable materials, but the durability of both depend on a few factors. 

For microfiber, the durability depends on the type of weave, while the durability of cotton depends on the thread count of cotton. 

Overall, both are durable bed sheet materials, but we like to use cotton with a higher thread count as it tends to be more durable than even tightly woven microfiber.

  • Comfort and Feel

Cotton is more comfortable and feels better than microfiber. This is because cotton is a breathable and cool material, in addition to being soft. These sheets also get softer with every wash and are recommended for those with sensitive skin.

Microfiber, on the other hand, is not ideal for those with sensitive skin. Although microfiber is lightweight and feels soft and smooth, the sheets can easily bunch after usage.

  • Cleaning

Both cotton and microfiber bed sheets are easy to clean. But there is one distinction between both—microfiber leaves long-lasting stains due to the material’s absorbency. Cotton also isn’t perfect. Due to the material’s natural fibers, cotton bed sheets break down more quickly over time. On the other hand, cotton doesn’t leave stains.

  • Price

Both microfiber sheets and cotton sheets are available in all price ranges. As a result, you can find affordable bed sheets and luxurious bed sheets from both materials. On average, microfiber sheets are less expensive and more affordable. This is solely due to the synthetic nature of the material. 

But, the price shouldn’t be the deciding factor when choosing which type of bed sheet to buy next. After all, you want a product to last longer, and bed sheets are a form of long-term investment. So, it might be better to pay more than less.

  • Temperature

This last category depends on each user’s needs. Bed sheets made of cotton are cooler and can regulate temperature better. Cotton sheets are better if you’re looking for a dry sleep. Microfiber, on the other hand, traps temperature better than cotton. 

This makes it ideal for those who like to stay warmer at night and is generally a better option for colder climates.


So, we’ve reached the end of our guide. We hope we’ve explained the differences between microfiber and cotton and given you enough information to pick the right bed sheet.

If you’ve decided on buying cotton bed sheets, head over to our shop and check out our cotton bed sheets offering. 

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the finest pure cotton bed sheets that's big on comfort, and easy on the environment.


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