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The Power of Collective Positive Energy

Even in the face of great inequality, positive energy holds potential 

Watching the news can make us feel helpless. Conflict seems to rage on unfairly in multiple regions of the world. Innocent people are hurt and face unimaginable struggles. People fight, suffer, and persevere in the face of great war and violence. Humanity has evolutionized far from our humble beginnings as hunters and gatherers, but sometimes it seems like it was for the worse. How did we get to this point? and is there anything we can do to help?

It can feel futile to be living in such luxury that we are able to purchase bedding sets and duvet covers online from the comfort of our homes. Most of us have nothing to do with international conflict negotiations. But the power of collective energy must not be overlooked. Each of us has a responsibility to the collective to put our best selves forward. The energy we put out into the world has the capacity to transform lives. Don’t believe me? Try some of these strategies out for yourself, and watch how positive energy flows from you and throughout your life.

Be kind to the people you know, to strangers, and to yourself

Spreading kindness is one of the best ways to put positive energy into the world. Smile at strangers. Compliment the employees you run into throughout your day. There are countless ways to increase your positive energy output. By sending this energy out into the world, you allow those around you to feed off the bright, happy vibes. This can have a gigantic influence on their days, causing a ripple effect of positivity and light. While it might seem small and silly, imagine what would happen if everyone acted kindly to those around them each day. We might be able to envision world peace a bit more clearly. 

Love, as an energy, has a strong and powerful frequency. It has the highest vibration of all energies. Don’t underestimate the power of spreading pure love and kindness to those around you. During times of great conflict, when we feel helpless, spreading love is one tangible way to make the world a better place. People often forget this simple truth.

Be generous with your time and your material wealth

As humans, it’s natural for us to want to safeguard all that we have earned. It’s incredibly popular to save for an expensive bag or designer shoes to showcase our wealth and hard work. When friends or family ask us for arduous and time-consuming favors, we are quick to turn them down so that we can do something self-serving instead. This is a lack mindset that sends out negative, scarcity energy into the world. 

To turn this around and create waves of positivity, try incorporating one act of pure generosity and altruism into each day. Donate a small amount to a different charity each day. Contribute food to a food drive at the grocery store. Bring your old coats to a charity shop. Even better, give your time by volunteering at a local nonprofit organization for an issue you care deeply about. The act of giving is underrated in our society, and its impacts can be huge! Every time you act generously, giving your time, energy, and money to causes greater than yourself, you get back way more in return. We’re all well aware of the ways that a small act of kindness can turn our entire day around. Imagine what you can change in the world if you incorporate these acts into your daily life. You never know who you may influence.

Voting with your money is powerful as well. Sending your money to businesses and brands that truly support sustainable initiatives can have a profound impact on market forces. By supporting companies that are actually trying to be zero-waste, carbon negative, and sustainably sourced, you can ensure you are spreading more positive energy with each purchase. 

Stay updated and educated

With a plethora of human crises, environmental challenges, and complex causes begging for our attention, it can be hard to stay up to date. By educating ourselves as much as we can, we can stay informed citizens. Informed citizens are able to contribute positively to society with information on their side, avoiding ignorance. Watching the news, reading books, sharing articles, and asking questions about what’s happening in the world emits the positive energy of curiosity. All of these things create waves of light that flow towards a collective good for humanity. Try it out for yourself and see what happens!

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